Daily report for February 2017
Averages\Extremes for day :01
Average temperature = 8.4°C
Average humidity = 94%
Average dewpoint = 7.3°C
Average barometer = 27.7 in.
Average windspeed = 1.6 mph
Average gustspeed = 4.9 mph
Average direction = 354° ( N )
Rainfall for month = 3.9 mm
Rainfall for year = 34.8 mm
Rainfall for day = 3.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 01 at time 12:21
Maximum temperature = 11.7°C on day 01 at time 14:25
Minimum temperature = 5.6°C on day 01 at time 00:31
Maximum humidity = 99% on day 01 at time 14:24
Minimum humidity = 10% on day 01 at time 17:39
Maximum dewpoint = 11.5°C on day 01 at time 14:24
Minimum dewpoint = -21.2°C on day 01 at time 17:39
Maximum pressure = 27.738 in. on day 01 at time 04:24
Minimum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 01 at time 04:19
Maximum windspeed = 57.5 mph on day 01 at time 17:39
Maximum gust speed = 57.5 mph from 315 °( NW) on day 01 at time 17:40
Daily wind run = 038.0miles
Maximum heat index = 11.7°C on day 01 at time 14:25
Click here for todays 24 hour graph :1 :2 :2017
Averages\Extremes for day :02
Average temperature = 10.1°C
Average humidity = 85%
Average dewpoint = 7.8°C
Average barometer = 27.7 in.
Average windspeed = 2.6 mph
Average gustspeed = 7.6 mph
Average direction = 354° ( N )
Rainfall for month = 4.2 mm
Rainfall for year = 35.1 mm
Rainfall for day = 0.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 02 at time 14:32
Maximum temperature = 12.1°C on day 02 at time 13:03
Minimum temperature = 8.6°C on day 02 at time 02:38
Maximum humidity = 89% on day 02 at time 00:50
Minimum humidity = 74% on day 02 at time 23:59
Maximum dewpoint = 9.4°C on day 02 at time 12:57
Minimum dewpoint = 6.0°C on day 02 at time 23:59
Maximum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 02 at time 23:59
Minimum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 02 at time 23:59
Maximum windspeed = 6.9 mph on day 02 at time 14:20
Maximum gust speed = 17.3 mph from 359 °( N ) on day 02 at time 09:10
Daily wind run = 062.1miles
Maximum heat index = 12.1°C on day 02 at time 13:03
Click here for todays 24 hour graph :2 :2 :2017
Averages\Extremes for day :03
Average temperature = 8.7°C
Average humidity = 77%
Average dewpoint = 4.8°C
Average barometer = 27.7 in.
Average windspeed = 2.2 mph
Average gustspeed = 6.8 mph
Average direction = 345° (NNW)
Rainfall for month = 4.2 mm
Rainfall for year = 35.1 mm
Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 03 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature = 13.0°C on day 03 at time 13:43
Minimum temperature = 6.5°C on day 03 at time 23:59
Maximum humidity = 86% on day 03 at time 23:59
Minimum humidity = 60% on day 03 at time 14:42
Maximum dewpoint = 6.2°C on day 03 at time 00:24
Minimum dewpoint = 3.8°C on day 03 at time 6:47
Maximum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 03 at time 23:59
Minimum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 03 at time 23:59
Maximum windspeed = 5.8 mph on day 03 at time 20:09
Maximum gust speed = 15.0 mph from 352 °( N ) on day 03 at time 19:01
Daily wind run = 053.9miles
Maximum heat index = 13.0°C on day 03 at time 13:43
Click here for todays 24 hour graph :3 :2 :2017
Averages\Extremes for day :04
Average temperature = 4.7°C
Average humidity = 76%
Average dewpoint = 0.6°C
Average barometer = 27.7 in.
Average windspeed = 1.4 mph
Average gustspeed = 4.0 mph
Average direction = 120° (ESE)
Rainfall for month = 4.8 mm
Rainfall for year = 35.7 mm
Rainfall for day = 0.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 04 at time 04:46
Maximum temperature = 11.8°C on day 04 at time 15:07
Minimum temperature = 1.2°C on day 04 at time 23:59
Maximum humidity = 88% on day 04 at time 06:19
Minimum humidity = 28% on day 04 at time 22:52
Maximum dewpoint = 4.3°C on day 04 at time 00:04
Minimum dewpoint = -15.2°C on day 04 at time 22:52
Maximum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 04 at time 23:59
Minimum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 04 at time 23:59
Maximum windspeed = 44.9 mph on day 04 at time 22:52
Maximum gust speed = 57.5 mph from 225 °( SW) on day 04 at time 22:53
Daily wind run = 033.3miles
Maximum heat index = 11.8°C on day 04 at time 15:07
Click here for todays 24 hour graph :4 :2 :2017
Averages\Extremes for day :05
Average temperature = 3.5°C
Average humidity = 87%
Average dewpoint = 1.2°C
Average barometer = 27.7 in.
Average windspeed = 1.5 mph
Average gustspeed = 3.0 mph
Average direction = 270° ( W )
Rainfall for month = 5.1 mm
Rainfall for year = 36.0 mm
Rainfall for day = 0.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 05 at time 02:41
Maximum temperature = 6.2°C on day 05 at time 14:13
Minimum temperature = 1.1°C on day 05 at time 00:23
Maximum humidity = 93% on day 05 at time 10:09
Minimum humidity = 10% on day 05 at time 08:27
Maximum dewpoint = 4.4°C on day 05 at time 14:05
Minimum dewpoint = -26.5°C on day 05 at time 03:34
Maximum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 05 at time 23:59
Minimum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 05 at time 23:59
Maximum windspeed = 57.5 mph on day 05 at time 08:27
Maximum gust speed = 57.5 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 05 at time 08:28
Daily wind run = 035.5miles
Maximum heat index = 6.2°C on day 05 at time 14:13
Click here for todays 24 hour graph :5 :2 :2017
Averages\Extremes for day :06
Average temperature = 3.3°C
Average humidity = 85%
Average dewpoint = 0.7°C
Average barometer = 27.7 in.
Average windspeed = 1.6 mph
Average gustspeed = 4.0 mph
Average direction = 235° ( SW)
Rainfall for month = 9.3 mm
Rainfall for year = 40.2 mm
Rainfall for day = 4.2 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 06 at time 23:27
Maximum temperature = 9.8°C on day 06 at time 12:04
Minimum temperature = -1.2°C on day 06 at time 07:30
Maximum humidity = 99% on day 06 at time 10:37
Minimum humidity = 10% on day 06 at time 14:47
Maximum dewpoint = 6.8°C on day 06 at time 10:37
Minimum dewpoint = -23.6°C on day 06 at time 11:41
Maximum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 06 at time 23:59
Minimum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 06 at time 23:59
Maximum windspeed = 57.5 mph on day 06 at time 14:47
Maximum gust speed = 57.5 mph from 180 °( S ) on day 06 at time 14:48
Daily wind run = 038.6miles
Maximum heat index = 9.8°C on day 06 at time 12:04
Click here for todays 24 hour graph :6 :2 :2017
Averages\Extremes for day :07
Average temperature = 5.1°C
Average humidity = 88%
Average dewpoint = 2.9°C
Average barometer = 27.7 in.
Average windspeed = 2.0 mph
Average gustspeed = 4.4 mph
Average direction = 258° (WSW)
Rainfall for month = 13.2 mm
Rainfall for year = 44.1 mm
Rainfall for day = 3.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 07 at time 08:28
Maximum temperature = 14.4°C on day 07 at time 15:34
Minimum temperature = 2.0°C on day 07 at time 22:19
Maximum humidity = 99% on day 07 at time 12:12
Minimum humidity = 10% on day 07 at time 21:35
Maximum dewpoint = 9.0°C on day 07 at time 15:14
Minimum dewpoint = -25.9°C on day 07 at time 21:35
Maximum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 07 at time 23:59
Minimum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 07 at time 23:59
Maximum windspeed = 57.5 mph on day 07 at time 21:35
Maximum gust speed = 57.5 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 07 at time 21:36
Daily wind run = 047.3miles
Maximum heat index = 14.4°C on day 07 at time 15:34
Click here for todays 24 hour graph :7 :2 :2017
Averages\Extremes for day :08
Average temperature = 3.2°C
Average humidity = 86%
Average dewpoint = 0.8°C
Average barometer = 27.7 in.
Average windspeed = 1.2 mph
Average gustspeed = 3.0 mph
Average direction = 264° ( W )
Rainfall for month = 13.2 mm
Rainfall for year = 44.1 mm
Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 08 at time 23:57
Maximum temperature = 4.4°C on day 08 at time 12:59
Minimum temperature = 1.8°C on day 08 at time 23:57
Maximum humidity = 96% on day 08 at time 08:17
Minimum humidity = 10% on day 08 at time 23:29
Maximum dewpoint = 3.0°C on day 08 at time 05:09
Minimum dewpoint = -26.6°C on day 08 at time 23:29
Maximum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 08 at time 23:57
Minimum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 08 at time 23:57
Maximum windspeed = 57.5 mph on day 08 at time 23:29
Maximum gust speed = 97.8 mph from 240 °(WSW) on day 08 at time 23:56
Daily wind run = 029.9miles
Maximum heat index = 4.4°C on day 08 at time 12:59
Click here for todays 24 hour graph :8 :2 :2017
Averages\Extremes for day :09
Average temperature = 1.6°C
Average humidity = 75%
Average dewpoint = -2.9°C
Average barometer = 27.7 in.
Average windspeed = 3.7 mph
Average gustspeed = 6.3 mph
Average direction = 277° ( W )
Rainfall for month = 13.2 mm
Rainfall for year = 44.1 mm
Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 09 at time 23:58
Maximum temperature = 2.3°C on day 09 at time 12:51
Minimum temperature = -1.5°C on day 09 at time 08:08
Maximum humidity = 86% on day 09 at time 23:58
Minimum humidity = 10% on day 09 at time 19:22
Maximum dewpoint = -0.6°C on day 09 at time 00:08
Minimum dewpoint = -29.3°C on day 09 at time 8:08
Maximum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 09 at time 23:58
Minimum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 09 at time 23:58
Maximum windspeed = 57.5 mph on day 09 at time 19:22
Maximum gust speed = 57.5 mph from 255 °(WSW) on day 09 at time 19:23
Daily wind run = 088.4miles
Maximum heat index = 2.3°C on day 09 at time 12:51
Click here for todays 24 hour graph :9 :2 :2017
Averages\Extremes for day :10
Average temperature = 1.7°C
Average humidity = 84%
Average dewpoint = -0.7°C
Average barometer = 27.7 in.
Average windspeed = 1.2 mph
Average gustspeed = 3.0 mph
Average direction = 308° ( NW)
Rainfall for month = 14.4 mm
Rainfall for year = 45.3 mm
Rainfall for day = 1.2 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 10 at time 10:50
Maximum temperature = 5.2°C on day 10 at time 12:12
Minimum temperature = 0.0°C on day 10 at time 23:59
Maximum humidity = 91% on day 10 at time 12:11
Minimum humidity = 10% on day 10 at time 23:46
Maximum dewpoint = 3.8°C on day 10 at time 12:11
Minimum dewpoint = -27.6°C on day 10 at time 22:41
Maximum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 10 at time 23:59
Minimum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 10 at time 23:59
Maximum windspeed = 57.5 mph on day 10 at time 23:46
Maximum gust speed = 57.5 mph from 043 °( NE) on day 10 at time 23:47
Daily wind run = 043.3miles
Maximum heat index = 5.2°C on day 10 at time 12:12
Click here for todays 24 hour graph :10 :2 :2017
Averages\Extremes for day :11
Average temperature = 1.7°C
Average humidity = 88%
Average dewpoint = -1.2°C
Average barometer = 27.7 in.
Average windspeed = 5.3 mph
Average gustspeed = 7.5 mph
Average direction = 299° (WNW)
Rainfall for month = 20.1 mm
Rainfall for year = 51.0 mm
Rainfall for day = 5.7 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 11 at time 20:41
Maximum temperature = 3.0°C on day 11 at time 23:22
Minimum temperature = 0.0°C on day 11 at time 18:28
Maximum humidity = 99% on day 11 at time 19:34
Minimum humidity = 10% on day 11 at time 23:02
Maximum dewpoint = 2.7°C on day 11 at time 20:58
Minimum dewpoint = -27.7°C on day 11 at time 5:49
Maximum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 11 at time 23:59
Minimum pressure = 27.737 in. on day 11 at time 23:59
Maximum windspeed = 57.5 mph on day 11 at time 23:02
Maximum gust speed = 57.5 mph from 255 °(WSW) on day 11 at time 23:04
Daily wind run = 126.7miles
Maximum heat index = 3.0°C on day 11 at time 23:21
Click here for todays 24 hour graph :11 :2 :2017
Averages\Extremes for the month of February 2017
Average temperature = 4.6°C
Average humidity = 84%
Average dewpoint = 1.8°C
Average barometer = 27.739 in.
Average windspeed = 2.2 mph
Average gustspeed = 4.9 mph
Average direction = 288° (WNW)
Rainfall for month = 20.1 mm
Rainfall for year = 51.0 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 11 at time 20:41
Maximum temperature = 14.4°C on day 07 at time 15:34
Minimum temperature = -1.5°C on day 09 at time 08:08
Maximum humidity = 99% on day 11 at time 19:34
Minimum humidity = 10% on day 11 at time 23:02
Maximum dewpoint = 11.5°C on day 01 at time 14:24
Minimum dewpoint = -29.3°C on day 09 at time 8:08
Maximum pressure = 27.74 in. on day 01 at time 04:24
Minimum pressure = 27.74 in. on day 01 at time 04:19
Maximum windspeed = 57.5 mph from 255°(WSW) on day 11 at time 23:02
Maximum gust speed = 97.8 mph from 248°(WSW) on day 08 at time 23:56
Maximum heat index = 14.4°C on day 07 at time 15:34
Avg daily max temp :8.5°C
Avg daily min temp :2.2°C
Growing degrees days :0.0 GDD
Total windrun = 596.9miles
Frost days= 2
Daily rain totals
03.9 mm on day 1
00.3 mm on day 2
00.6 mm on day 4
00.3 mm on day 5
04.2 mm on day 6
03.9 mm on day 7
01.2 mm on day 10
05.7 mm on day 11